Welcome to MiamiMan Magazine!
The MiamiMan Network offers you the chance to advance your career by networking with some of the most influential business owners and professionals in Miami, in fun and social settings.
Two main things to know about us:
1. We release a print magazine quarterly (4 per year) for and about the business people of Miami (both men and women!). To have this magazine shipped to your residence or business, please click here.
Our online magazine (this website) is updated regularly.
2. Every 4-6 weeks we host our Legacy Club events for business networking and socializing. These events are Members Only, but if you’d like to check one out, please click here and we will gladly put you on the list so you can attend the next one.
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter (on the right sidebar) to get alerts for our upcoming events!
Also be sure to sign up for the second newsletter (also on the right sidebar), specifically for people interested in business / investment opportunities in the Miami area.
Thank you!